Io in Humanitas
Aree mediche di interesse
Neurologia, in particolare:
- Disturbi dell'equilibrio
- Cefalea
- Disturbi della motilità oculare
- Disturbi della visione
Ha contribuito alla stesura dei criteri diagnostici per l'emicrania vestibolare.
Aree di ricerca di interesse
- Disturbi dell'equilibrio
- Cefalea
- Disturbi della motilità oculare
- Disturbi della visione
Ulteriori informazioni di interesse
- Specializzazione in Statistica sanitaria (indirizzo statistica medica) -Università degli Studi di Pavia 1993
- 1992 - Conferimento Premio "Prof. Giuseppe Carlo Riquier"
Ulteriori corsi di Formazione ed Aggiornamento:
- Corsi di Aggiornamento Fondazione Charles Holland, Milano, 2004 2005
- Corso di Aggiornamento in Vestibologia, Modena, 2004 2005
- Giornate di Oto-Neurologia Aldo Dufour, Folli, 2005
- Master Oto-Neurologia, Policlinico S.Matteo Pavia, 2003, 2004, 2005
- Corso Neuro-Oftalomologia Pollenzo, 2006
- Corso di Aggiornamento in Vestibologia Aldo Dufour, Firenze, 2009
- Master di II Livello in Oto-Neurologia, Siena 2009
- Corso di aggiornamento in Vestibologia, Matera 2010
- Corso di aggiornamento in Neuro-oftalmologia, Siena 2010
- Corso di aggiornamento in Neuro-oftalmologia, Siena 2011
- Corso do aggiornamento Società Italiana di Neurologia 2011
- Corso di aggiornamento in Neuro-oftalmologia, Siena 2012
- Corso di aggiornamento Società Italiana di Neurologia 2012
- Corso di aggiornamento in Neuro-oftalmologia, Siena 2013
- Neuro-otology 2013 Milan
- I° Congresso Nazionale VIS (società italiana di vestibologia), Modena 2013
- Corso di aggiornamento Società Italiana di Neurologia 2013
- Cenacolo di AudioVestibologia, Chieti 2014
- Congresso Nazionale SNO, Genova 2014
- Advanced Neurology Course, Pavia 2014
- Corso di aggiornamento Società Italiana Neurologia 2015
- Neuro Verti-Learn – Approccio razionale alla diagnosi alla diagnosi e terapia nel paziente vestibolopatico (3 corsi: Bologna settembre e novembre 2015, Agropoli ottobre 2015)
- Master Universitario in Vestibologia Clinica, Università di Pavia (gennaio – novembre 2015)
- Le urgenze neurologiche: dalla diagnosi alla terapia. Milano, novembre 201
- Corso di Perfezionamento “Neurofisiopatologia clinica ed imaging del sistema nervoso periferico”. Verona, 2019
- Urgenze in Neuroftalmologia: appropriatezza diagnostica e terapeutica. Webinar, Maggio 2021
- La richiesta di competenza neurologica nel prossimo futuro, Roma, Novembre 2021
Ulteriori informazioni di interesse
Membro del comitati editoriale di:
- Frontiers in Neuro-ophthalmology
- Frontiers in Neuro-otology
- Reviewer delle riviste
- Clinical Neurophysiology; Epilepsia; European Neurology; Functional Neurology; Journal of
- Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry; Neurological Sciences; Neuropsychologia
Affiliazione a società:
- Società Italiana di Neurologia , per la quale funge da rappresentante per la Neuro-oftalmologia presso la Euopean Federation of Neurological Societies.
Pubblicazioni personali su PubMed
References 1. Terzaghi M, Pilati L, Ghiotto N, Arnaldi D, Versino M, Rustioni V, Rustioni G, Sartori I, Manni R. Twenty-four-hour blood pressure profile in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder. Sleep. 2022;45(2). 2. Pezzini A, Grassi M, Silvestrelli G, Locatelli M, Rifino N, Beretta S, Gamba M, Raimondi E, Giussani G, Carimati F, Sangalli D, Corato M, Gerevini S, Masciocchi S, Cortinovis M, La Gioia S, Barbieri F, Mazzoleni V, Pezzini D, Bonacina S, Pilotto A, Benussi A, Magoni M, Premi E, Prelle AC, Agostoni EC, Palluzzi F, De Giuli V, Magherini A, Roccatagliata DV, Vinciguerra L, Puglisi V, Fusi L, Diamanti S, Santangelo F, Xhani R, Pozzi F, Grampa G, Versino M, Salmaggi A, Marcheselli S, Cavallini A, Giossi A, Censori B, Ferrarese C, Ciccone A, Sessa M, Padovani A, group S. SARS-CoV-2 infection and acute ischemic stroke in Lombardy, Italy. J Neurol. 2022;269(1):1-11. 3. 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Artifact avoidance for head impulse testing. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2014;125(5):1071-3. 51. Versino M, Colagiorgio P, Sacco S, Colnaghi S, Quaglieri S, Manfrin M, Benazzo M, Moglia A, Ramat S. Reading while moving: The functional assessment of VOR. Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation. 2014;24(5-6):459-64. 52. Lempert T, Olesen J, Furman J, Johnwaterston, Seemungal B, Carey J, Bisdorff A, Versino M, Evers S, Newman-Toker D. Vestibular migraine: Diagnostic criteria. Consensus document of the Bárány Society and the International headache society. Revue Neurologique. 2014;170(6-7):401-6. 53. Lempert T, Olesen J, Furman J, Waterston J, Seemungal B, Carey J, Bisdorff A, Versino M, Evers S, Newman-Toker D. Vestibular migraine: Diagnostic criteria. Consensus document of the Bárány Society and the International Headache Society. Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola. 2013;64(6):428-33. 54. 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Response to: Migraine and vertigo: A marriage of convenience? Headache. 2011;51(2):308-9. 59. Versino M, Colnaghi S. Check your vestibular skills by reading about the rotational vertebral artery syndrome. Neurological Sciences. 2011;32(6):1239-40. 60. Ramat S, Nesti A, Versino M, Colnaghi S, Magnaghi C, Bianchi A, Beltrami G. A new device to assess static ocular torsion. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences2011. p. 226-30. 61. Colnaghi S, Ramat S, D'Angelo E, Cortese A, Beltrami G, Moglia A, Versino M. Theta-burst stimulation of the cerebellum interferes with internal representations of sensory-motor information related to eye movements in humans. Cerebellum. 2011;10(4):711-9. 62. Versino M, Newman-Toker DE. Blind spot heterotopia by automated static perimetry to assess static ocular torsion: Centro-cecal axis rotation in normals. Journal of Neurology. 2010;257(2):291-3. 63. Versino M, Biagi F, Bianchi PI, Zardini E, Colnaghi S, Moglia A, Corazza GR, Franciotta D. Gluten sensitivity and the CNS: diagnosis and treatment. The Lancet Neurology. 2010;9(7):653. 64. Strupp M, Versino M, Brandt T. Vestibular migraine. Handbook of Clinical Neurology2010. p. 755-71. 65. Colnaghi S, Versino M, Marchioni E, Tassorelli C, Bastianello S, Sandrini G, Nappi G. A prospective multicentre study to evaluate the consistency of the IHS diagnostic criteria, the usefulness of brain MRI for the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment management, and the outcome after high dosage 6-methylprednisolone therapy, in subjects with Tolosa-Hunt syndrome. The journal of headache and pain. 2010;11(3):285. 66. Colnaghi S, Ramat S, D'Angelo E, Versino M. Transcranial magnetic stimulation over the cerebellum and eye movements: State of the art. Functional Neurology. 2010;25(3):165-71. 67. Versino M, Franciotta D, Colnaghi S, Biagi F, Zardini E, Bianchi PI, Corazza GR, Cosi V. Cerebellar signs in celiac disease. Neurology. 2009;72(23):2046-8. 68. Colnaghi S, Versino M. 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Versino M, Ranza L, Colnaghi S, Alloni R, Callieco R, Romani A, Bergamaschi R, Pichiecchio A, Bastianello S, Cosi V. The N3 potential compared to sound and galvanic vestibular evoked myogenic potential in healthy subjects and in multiple sclerosis patients. Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation. 2007;17(1):39-46. 73. Versino M, Candeloro E, Tavazzi E, Moglia A, Sandrini G, Alfonsi E. The H reflex from the abductor brevis hallucis muscle in healthy subjects. Muscle and Nerve. 2007;36(1):39-46. 74. Alfonsi E, Versino M, Merlo IM, Pacchetti C, Martignoni E, Bertino G, Moglia A, Tassorelli C, Nappi G. Electrophysiologic patterns of oral-pharyngeal swallowing in parkinsonian syndromes. Neurology. 2007;68(8):583-9. 75. Cosi V, Versino M. Guillain-Barré syndrome. Neurological Sciences. 2006;27(SUPPL. 1):s47-s51. 76. Colnaghi S, Pichiecchio A, Bastianello S, Versino M. SPIR MRI usefulness for steroid treatment management in Tolosa-Hunt syndrome. Neurological Sciences. 2006;27(2):137-9. 77. Colnaghi S, Arbasino C, Beltrami G, Galimberti CA, Cosi V, Versino M. Memory guided saccades in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2006;117(11):2392-8. 78. Versino M, Zavanone C, Colnaghi S, Beltrami G, Pacchetti C, Zangaglia R, Cosi V. Binocular control of saccades in idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences2005. p. 588-92. 79. Versino M, Colnaghi S, Todeschini A, Candeloro E, Ravaglia S, Moglia A, Cosi V. Ocular neuromyotonia with both tonic and paroxysmal components due to vascular compression [2]. Journal of Neurology. 2005;252(2):227-9. 80. Candeloro E, Piccolo G, Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Tavazzi E, Versino M. Acute oculomotor impairment with anti-GQ1b lgG due to central nervous system dysfunction. Functional Neurology. 2005;20(4):173-5. 81. Biagi F, Campanella J, Alvisi C, Versino M, Corazza GR. Unusual association of neurofibromatosis type 1 and coeliac disease in a single patient. Functional Neurology. 2005;20(1):33-4. 82. Versino M, Sances G, Anghileri E, Colnaghi S, Albizzati C, Bono G, Cosi V. Dizziness and migraine: A causal relationship? Functional Neurology. 2003;18(2):97-101. 83. Versino M, Ghiotto N, Colnaghi S, Nappi G. Two patients with headaches and balance disorder. A possible diagnosis of migraine vertigo. Confinia Cephalalgica. 2003;12(3):161-8. 84. Versino M, Rossi B, Beltrami G, Sandrini G, Cosi V. Ocular motor myotonic phenomenon in myotonic dystrophy. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2002;72(2):236-40. 85. Versino M, Colnaghi S, Sandrini G, Cosi V. Ocular motor myotonic phenomenon in myotonic dystrophy. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences2002. p. 401-4. 86. Versino M, Colnaghi S, Callieco R, Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Cosi V. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in multiple sclerosis patients. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2002;113(9):1464-9. 87. Romani A, Piccolo G, Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Cosi V. A reliability study of impairment and disability scales for myasthenia gravis patients. Functional Neurology. 2002;17(3):137-44. 88. Galimberti CA, Versino M, Sartori I, Ravaglia S, Colnaghi S, Todeschini A, Aprile C, Tartara A. Paroxymal strabismus: Cortical or peripheral mechanisms may produce the same clinical picture. Bollettino - Lega Italiana contro l'Epilessia. 2002(118):429-32. 89. Versino M, Romani A, Robinson LR. Test-retest reliability of combined sensory index. Muscle and Nerve. 2001;24(8):1097-8. 90. Versino M, Colnaghi S, Callieco R, Cosi V. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials: Test-retest reliability. Functional Neurology. 2001;16(4):299-309. 91. Romani A, Conte S, Callieco R, Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Lanzi G, Zambrino CA, Cosi V. Visual evoked potential abnormalities in dyslexic children. Functional Neurology. 2001;16(3):219-29. 92. Versino M, Romani A, Callieco R, Alfonsi E, Beltrami G, Manfrin M, Cosi V. Periodic alternating nystagmus and vestibulo-spinal system facilitating activity. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2000;111(8):1337-9. 93. Versino M, Beltrami G, Uggetti C, Cosi V. Eye movement impairment after central thalamus lesions. Neurological Sciences. 2000;21(4 SUPPL.). 94. Versino M, Beltrami G, Uggetti C, Cosi V. Auditory saccade impairment after central thalamus lesions. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2000;68(2):234-7. 95. Romani A, Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Zilioli A, Callieco R, Cosi V. Circadian and hypothermia-induced effects on visual and auditory evoked potentials in multiple sclerosis. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2000;111(9):1602-6. 96. Versino M, Veggiotti P. Reversibility of vigabatrin-induced visual-field defect. Lancet. 1999;354(9177):486. 97. Versino M, Simonetti F, Egitto MG, Ceroni M, Cosi V, Beltrami G. Lateral gaze synkinesis on downward saccade attempts with paramedian thalamic and midbrain infarct [6]. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 1999;67(5):696-7. 98. Versino M, Mascolo A, Piccolo G, Alloni R, Cosi V. Opsoclonus in a patient with cerebellar dysfunction. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology. 1999;19(4):229-31. 99. Tartara A, Galimberti CA, Sartori I, Versino M, Politini L, Manni R, Perucca E. Automatic perimetry abnormalities in Vigabatrin chronically treated epileptic patients. Bollettino - Lega Italiana contro l'Epilessia. 1999(106-107):189-90. 100. Marchioni E, Soragna D, Versino M, Sibilla L, Alfonsi E, Romani A, Manni R, Savoldi F, Messa C, D'Amico A, Fazio F. Hemiparkinsonism-hemiatrophy with brain hemihypoplasia. Movement Disorders. 1999;14(2):359-64. 101. Versino M, Romani A, Bergamaschi R, Callieco R, Scolari S, Poli R, Lanfranchi S, Sandrini G, Cosi V. Eye movement abnormalities in myotonic dstrophy. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology - Electromyography and Motor Control. 1998;109(2):184-90. 102. Galimberti CA, Versino M, Sartori I, Manni R, Martelli A, Tartara A. Epileptic skew deviation. Neurology. 1998;50(5):1469-72. 103. Zambarbieri D, Schmid R, Versino M, Beltrami G. Eye-head coordination toward auditory and visual targets in humans. Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation. 1997;7(2-3):251-63. 104. Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Zappoli F, Versino M, Cosi V. MRI and brainstem auditory evoked potential evidence of eighth cranial nerve involvement in multiple sclerosis. Neurology. 1997;48(1):270-2. 105. Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Versino M, Poli R, Cosi V. Clinical aspects of fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Functional Neurology. 1997;12(5):247-51. 106. Zambarbieri D, Beltrami G, Versino M. Erratum: Saccade latency toward auditory targets depends on the relative position of the sound source with respect to the eyes (Vision Research (1995) 35 (3305-3312)). Vision Research. 1996;36(13):2014. 107. Versino M, Romani A, Beltrami G, Cosi V. Saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements in memory-impaired elderly people. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 1996;93(1):39-43. 108. Versino M, Hurko O, Zee DS. Disorders of binocular control of eye movements in patients with cerebellar dysfunction. Brain. 1996;119(6):1933-50. 109. Romani A, Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Zilioli A, Sartori I, Callieco R, Montomoli C, Cosi V. Estimating reliability of evoked potential measures from residual scores: An example using tibial SSEPs. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology - Evoked Potentials. 1996;100(3):204-9. 110. Piccolo G, Franciotta D, Versino M, Alfonsi E, Lombardi M, Poma G. Myasthenia gravis in a patient with chronic active hepatitis C during interferon-α treatment [1]. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 1996;60(3):348. 111. Zambarbieri D, Beltrami G, Versino M. Saccade latency toward auditory targets depends on the relative position of the sound source with respect to the eyes. Vision Research. 1995;35(23-24):3305-12. 112. Zambarbieri D, Andrei I, Beltrami G, Fontana L, Versino M. Saccade latency towards auditory targets. Studies in Visual Information Processing1995. p. 157-64. 113. Romani A, Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Callieco R, Calabrese G, Cosi V. Recovery functions of early cortical median nerve SSEP components: normative data. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/ Evoked Potentials. 1995;96(5):475-8. 114. Versino M, Zambarbieri D, Beltrami G, Cosi V. A Method for the Clinical Use of Secondary Saccade Latency. Studies in Visual Information Processing1994. p. 61-8. 115. Versino M, Bergamaschi R, Callieco R, Romani A, Citterio A, Zambarbieri D, Cosi V. Saccades and 6-Methylprednisolone Treatment in Multiple Sclerosis. Studies in Visual Information Processing1994. p. 225-32. 116. Versino M, Bergamaschi R, Callieco R, Romani A, Castelnovo G, Beltrami G, Cosi V. Eye movement quantitative evaluation before and after high‐dose 6‐methylprednisolone in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 1994;89(2):105-10. 117. Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Versino M, Callieco R, Gaspari D, Citterio A, Cosi V. Usefulness of trigeminal somatosensory evoked potentials to detect subclinical trigeminal impairment in multiple sclerosis patients. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 1994;89(6):412-4. 118. Versino M, Castelnovo G, Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Beltrami G, Zambarbieri D, Cosi V. Quantitative evaluation of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements: Is it reliable? Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 1993;34(5):1702-9. 119. Versino M, Beltrami G, Zambarbieri D, Castelnovo G, Cosi V. A PC based oculomotor laboratory. Rivista di Neurobiologia. 1993;39(3):239-46. 120. Versino M, Beltrami G, Zambarbieri D, Castelnovo G, Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Cosi V. A clinically oriented approach to smooth pursuit eye movement quantitative evaluation. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 1993;88(4):273-8. 121. Romani A, Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Sartori I, Callieco R, Cosi V. One-week test-retest reliability of spinal and cortical somatosensory evoked potentials by tibial nerve stimulation. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1993;69(10):601-7. 122. Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Raiola E, Citterio A, Cosi V. High-dose methylprednisolone infusions in relapsing and in chronic progressive multiple sclerosis patients. One year follow-up. Acta Neurologica. 1993;48(1):33-43. 123. Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Versino M, Callieco R, Sartori I, Cosi V. Somatosensory evoked potentials by median nerve stimulation recorded with cephalic and non-cephalic references. I). Normative study. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1993;69(9):525-32. 124. Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Versino M, Callieco R, Sartori I, Cosi V. Somatosensory evoked potentials by median nerve stimulation recorded with cephalic and non-cephalic references. II). Reliability study. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1993;69(9):533-9. 125. Versino M, Romani A, Martignoni E, Zambarbieri D, Beltrami G, Cosi V. A clinically oriented approach to secondary saccades. Neuro-Ophthalmology. 1992;12(4):229-35. 126. Versino M, Grassi M, Genovese E, Zambarbieri D, Schmid R, Cosi V. Quantitative evaluation of saccadic Eye movements: Effect of aging and clinical use. Neuro-Ophthalmology. 1992;12(5):327-42. 127. Versino M, Castelnovo G, Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Cosi V. The reliability of eye movement quantitative evaluation. I. Saccadic eye movements. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1992;68(6):387-94. 128. Versino M, Castelnovo G, Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Cosi V. The reliability of eye movement quantitative evaluation. II. Smooth pursuit eye movements. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1992;68(6):395-401. 129. Versino M, Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Banfi P, Callieco R, Citterio A, Gerosa E, Cosi V. Middle latency auditory evoked potentials improve the detection of abnormalities along auditory pathways in multiple sclerosis patients. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/ Evoked Potentials. 1992;84(3):296-9. 130. Romani A, Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Zilioli A, Callieco R, Cosi V. Reliability and upper normal variability limits of pattern reversal visual evoked potential parameters. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1992;68(8-9):573-80. 131. Romani A, Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Delnevo L, Callieco R, Cosi V. Spinal and cortical potentials evoked by tibial nerve stimulation in humans: effects of sex, age and height. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1992;68(11):691-8. 132. Cosi V, Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Callieco R, Sandrini G, Ruiz L. Multimodal evoked potentials in myotonic dystrophy (MyD). Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology. 1992;22(1):41-50. 133. Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Versino M, Sartori I, Callieco R, Cosi V. A one-week test-retest reliability study of Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1992;68(7):467-74. 134. Zambarbieri D, Beltrami G, Versino M, editors. A PC based method for clinical evaluation of saccadic eye movements. Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology; 1991. 135. Versino M, Piccolo G, Callieco R, Bergamaschi R, Banfi P, Azan G, Rizzuto R, Cosi V. Multimodal evoked potentials in progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial myopathy. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 1991;84(2):107-10. 136. Versino M, Canegalli F, Bergamaschi R, Callieco R, Cosi V. Effect of repetition rate on middle latency auditory evoked potentials in humans. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1991;67(1):83-8. 137. Versino M, Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Callieco R, Canegalli F, Cosi V. Effect of stimulus mode on middle latency auditory evoked potentials in humans. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1991;67(4):395-402. 138. Romani A, Callieco R, Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Cosi V. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials in the rabbit. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1991;67(8):803-7. 139. Romani A, Callieco R, Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Cosi V. Visual evoked potentials in the white New Zealand rabbit: source localization and normative aspects. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1991;67(6):601-7. 140. Bergamaschi R, Versino M, Callieco R, Maurelli M, Marchioni E, Bosone D, Zandrini C, Cosi V. Multimodal evoked potentials in diabetics. Acta Neurologica. 1991;13(3):228-35. 141. Bergamaschi R, Romani A, Versino M, Callieco R, Delnevo L, Cosi V. Somatosensory evoked potentials by electrical stimulation of the third trigeminal branch in humans. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1991;67(6):593-9. 142. Versino M, Cosi V. Quantitative analysis of smooth pursuit eye movements by personal computer. II. Evaluation of individual performance and clinical applicability. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1990;66(8):787-93. 143. Versino M, Cosi V. Quantitative evaluation of smooth pursuit eye movements by personal computer. I) Normative data and effect of aging. Bollettino della Societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. 1990;66(7):701-8.Esperienze precedenti
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